The modern global financial marketplace offers opportunities for both traditional and innovative investment products that invest in established and emerging sectors.

Qwest Investment Management Corp. (Qwest) and our subsidiary companies provide complete financial product development and management. We begin with a compelling financial product, then the product launch and finally commence our day-to-day compliance and back office administration operations through QIFM and Heritage respectively.

We embrace expertise — emphasizing on collaborative relationships, reputations and effective service.

How We Add Value

Qwest's traditional and innovative investment products.

For more than two decades, Qwest has successfully created and offered financial products in a range of sectors.

QIFM has the experience and expertise in Investment Fund Management (IFM) and Portfolio Management (PM).

Our approach is comprehensive — starting with a financial product concept, building the financial product and managing the day-to-day compliance and back office operations through QIFM and Heritage respectively.

Each financial product is customized for its key strategic and investment objectives and strategies and QIFM’s portfolio managers have the experience and expertise in managing our financial products.